Embrace Spring, Not Your Allergies

House of Health | April, 2024 website by jasonmichael

15 Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet, According to Science (+ How to Get Started / Diet Plan) from Jen Reviews

Potentially the world’s healthiest way of eating, the Mediterranean diet is based on the traditional foods that were consumed by populations in Italy and Greece throughout history.

Detoxing Your Underarms

We naturally release toxins when we sweat. Conventional deodorants keep toxins in using chemicals that alter how you sweat, reducing the ability to release built-up toxins. Detoxifying your armpits pulls out toxins and heavy metals. Removing these toxins helps boost your immune system and helps your endocrine system (your hormones) function better. You will continue to sweat (normal bodily function) but the ODOR will decrease!

16 Mason Jar Salads to Take to Work

I can’t get enough of Mason jar meals. I love how portable…

7 Natural Ways to Cool Down Inflammation

Inflammation More people deal with inflammation now than ever…

25 Uses for Coconut Oil

Coconut oil isn’t a “catch all” health solution, but it…

6 Natural Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Now is the time to begin to prepare your body for the cold months…

Weight Loss – Many Roads Well Traveled

In the age where the answers to anything lie at our fingertips,…

Coconut Oil 101

We all know that there is no such thing as an “All-in-one”…